Sunday, September 29, 2013

Made a nice phoenix with a combination of Photoshop and Flame Painter
I'm not all that good at concept art, but here is my concept for a water-filled alien space station for 3d class. Done in Photoshop.

Print and play exploration

My friend and I played a print and play game this weekend called Shattered Olympus. Overall it was a decent game, but I found the artistic aspect of it a little lacking. The illustrations on the playing cards weren't a consistent style. Some cards had beautiful paintings while others had cheesy cartoons. The game is sort like magic the gathering, except you purchase cards from the "store" which is off to the side of the play area. You then put the purchased card into play in a 5 by 9 grid. You can move a card in the grid once every turn and the object is to kill the opponent's hero card that he started out with. Below is a link to the game in case any of you would like to play it.