Monday, May 2, 2016

Setting Up a Ribbon Trail in Cryengine

Okay so here’s a quick tutorial on how to set up a ribbon trail in Cryengine (because Cryengine’s documentation is frustratingly nonexistant, and Ribbons are a little difficult no matter what engine you’re working in).

Assuming you have already set up a particle to attach the trail to, here are the few things you need to do to get it to behave correctly:

1. Change the Spawn Indirection from “Direct” to “ParentStart”. This tells the new child particles to spawn at the parent particle’s location rather than the emitter origin.

2.  Check the box next to “Continuous”. This will keep the ribbon alive for the entire time it’s parent is alive.

3. Under the Size options, check the box next to “Connection”, and change the Texture Mapping to “PerStream”.


The Connection step is the most important one, here’s a trail with and without the Connection settings set.

 Hope this helps :)

Ice Shard Spell

Made using Maya Bifrost, Zbrush, Photoshop, and Unreal Engine