Monday, January 27, 2014

Racing Game Beat Sheet

Shot Descriptions:

1: Player starts off racing through a tunnel of trees
2: Trees part and road veers sharply to the right. The road can be seen curving back to the left in the distance on the other side of the valley
3: Rising from the center of the valley is a massive fungus covered tree that fades up into the clouds
4: Player encounters a cliff, on the other side is a fork in the road. Currently the bridge leads to the right fork
5: A massive cavern looms ahead
6: The track winds through stalagmites and columns, the cavern is lit by the faint glow of bioluminescence
7: At the end of the tunnel the player flies off a ramp through a waterfall, skidding back onto the cobblestone race track
8: The player finds themselves back in the tunnel of trees, vines whipping past. The finish line is ahead.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Racing Game Concept

A previously unsettled area of the planet, this location shows signs of primitive construction. Perhaps the indigenous species were expanding their territory but were unable to complete construction before their extinction.

Concept Statement: Think Fast

Rain Forest and caves
giant pitcher plants
glow worms


snake swarms
bug swarms that splatter on screen impairing visibility
puddles that reduce vehicle traction
Swinging platform

Directing the player: crude cobblestone roads, lighting placement

Track Layout: rough figure 8, with the overlap taking place underground
Landmarks: Giant tree, cave, construction area.

Saturday, January 11, 2014