Monday, January 27, 2014

Racing Game Beat Sheet

Shot Descriptions:

1: Player starts off racing through a tunnel of trees
2: Trees part and road veers sharply to the right. The road can be seen curving back to the left in the distance on the other side of the valley
3: Rising from the center of the valley is a massive fungus covered tree that fades up into the clouds
4: Player encounters a cliff, on the other side is a fork in the road. Currently the bridge leads to the right fork
5: A massive cavern looms ahead
6: The track winds through stalagmites and columns, the cavern is lit by the faint glow of bioluminescence
7: At the end of the tunnel the player flies off a ramp through a waterfall, skidding back onto the cobblestone race track
8: The player finds themselves back in the tunnel of trees, vines whipping past. The finish line is ahead.

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