Tuesday, February 23, 2016

WIP: Hrakert Rift (from Knights of the Old Republic) in UE4

Here's an environment I've been working on when I have free time away from senior thesis. It is a remake of Hrakert Rift, on the planet Manaan from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Note that this is a complete remake/redesign. Aside from the sound effects (which are ripped from the game files) I will be making everything from scratch. Most of KotOR's textures are too low rez to be of use anyway.

 Lit Key Moment Shot

 Lit Overview

 Unlit Overview

For this environment I decided to get all the lighting, atmospheric, post process, and particle effects the way I wanted them first, as that's the part that really sells the underwater feel. Right now I'm moving on to the architecture, starting with the bridge and pipes. Eventually I'll get around to posting a video, as a lot is lost in still images.

Bridge / Pipe Progress

Reference Images from the original game environment:

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